The project Women’s Legacy will develop, over 3 years, five free and open intellectual products and digital resources to facilitate the inclusion of women in the educational content. The resource bank, an outstanding product of the project, is designed to adapt its contents to the normative contents of each subject to make it as easy as possible for its use by teachers. This feature makes it possible to increase the capacity for intervention and turns it into an instrument of first-rate pedagogical renewal. All the products generated by the project “Women's Legacy: Our Cultural Heritage for Equity” will be able to be transferred, in the future, to other languages and educational systems, and will also serve as a basis for new formations. In addition, they may also be used in the field of public cultural policies.

Open and free digital resource bank, which provides activities, indications and information on women and their works that should be incorporated in each of the subjects. All of them will be classified by levels, adapted to the content defined in the legislation and ready to be used in the classroom. The resource bank can be consulted by characters, didactic activities, works and resources.

Free digital repository of female authorship works of music in different formats.

Free digital repository of works and fragments of literary works by European writers.

Free digital repository of female artwork.

Training course “Les dones que ens falten en STEM” (“The women missing in STEM”)

Teacher training providing female references and their contributions as well as didactic indications to focus on the different subjects of science and technology. It will be taught to teachers of different educational levels and specialists in teacher training advice. You can apply for this course.