Led by the Conselleria of Education, Culture and Sport, 9 partners from Spain, Italy, Lithuania and Scotland are taking part in a strategic partnership for the development of educational innovation in Europe.

Conselleria d’Educació, Cultura i Esport (Spain)
It is an administrative body of the Generalitat Valenciana with competences in matters of education, vocational training, promotion and cultural heritage, language policy and sports. Leading this project responds to one of the greatest needs to be detected in the Co-education Master Plan: including women in the educational content.

Glasgow City Council Education Services (United Kingdom)
Education Services’ International Education Service of Glasgow is the only one of its kind in Scotland and, as such, international education plays a key role in developing Glasgow’s young people as forward thinking, culturally literate and outward looking individuals. As a city, we are committed to building and enhancing our international strategy and working with valued partners, of which Valencia is one of them.

Vilniaus Universitetas (Lithuania)
It is the biggest university in Lithuania and participates as active partner in higher education policy and teacher education development. The Institute of Educational Sciences is a subdivision of the faculty of Philosophy and focuses on cultural diversity, sustainable development, and policy evaluation in education, with a special emphasis on technological innovations as agents for constant improvement in the classroom.

Innovazione Apprendimento Lavoro Nazionale (Italy)
IAL NAzionale is the largest network of SRL, with the qualification of social enterprise, operating in Italy in the field of professional and continuing training. The continuous search for innovation, in methodologies and processes, allows IAL to offer highly competitive “tailor-made” training services and products, with certified effectiveness, flexibility and quality characteristics.

Universitat de València (Spain)
Universitat de València has five centuries following the path of excellence and innovation, training professionals to the highest standards, educating citizens who stand for commitment and boosting prestigious research with an international impact, always seeking to develop its own territory and to improve society. It is also committed to conserve historical heritage and identity and making it available to society.

El legado de las mujeres. Asociación del profesorado para dar visibilidad a las mujeres en los contenidos de Educación Secundaria (Spain)
El legado de las mujeres is a national association of teachers whose main objective is to give visibility to women in the contents of Secondary Education, to recover their cultural, artistic and scientific legacy, as well as to determine strategies and methodologies for their inclusion in the curricula and teaching practices.

Escola Sindical de Formació Melchor Botella (Spain)
The Escola Sindical de Formació Melchor Botella is a non-profit organization that manages the training of all the people who belong or are related to the Intersindical Valenciana, where collaborate ten labour unions from Valencian Country, with a total of about 18.000 affiliates. Since the creation of the Erasmus+ programme, the ESFMB has only increased its participation in different actions that have led it to carry out projects with different European countries.

IES Benicalap (Spain)
Located in the homonymous area of València, this school offers Secondary Education studies and Vocational training to more than 1000 students. Classified as a plurilingual school, IES Benicalap is also a multicultural and inclusive centre, which counts with students from more than 30 different nationalities and is strongly committed to coeducation, feminism and respect towards diversity.

IIS Luigi Einaudi (Italy)
IIS Luigi Einaudi, whose mission is “explore your future”, offers 5 courses of study, from Technical for Tourism to International Relations, Socio-sanitary Services, Graphics and Communication. In addition to foreign and digital languages, students learn the culture of open innovation, through their participation to Hackathons, Stem laboratories, map_lab, Erasmus, digital experiences, design thinking model and Ted Talks method.
Associated entities
A whole series of institutions and educational centers have expressed their support for the project and the commitment to use and disseminate the intellectual products that will be generated.
Public Institutions

Instituto de las Mujeres (Spain)

Diputació de València (Spain)

Ajuntament de Montserrat (Spain)

Ajuntament de Gandia (Spain)

Deputación de Pontevedra (Spain)

Conselleria d’Educació i Formació Professional de les Illes Balears. Convivèxit (Spain)

Ajuntament de Picassent (Spain)

Ajuntament de València (Spain)

Ajuntament Rafelbunyol (Spain)

Editorial Edebé

Next Door Publishers

Recherches sur les Suds et les Orients de Université de Montpellier (France)

Laboratoire d’Études Romanes de l’Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis (France)

Glasgow Clyde College (United Kingdom)

University of Strathclyde. School of Humanities. (United Kingdom)

Vytauto Didžiojo Universitetas (Lithuania)

Universität des Saarlandes (Germany)

Grupo de Trabajo de Física Arquímedes. Universitat de València (Spain)
GETCC. Grup d’Estudi de la Traducció Catalana Contemporània. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain)

LiCETC. Contemporary Literature from a theoretical and comparative perspective. Universitat de les Illes Balears (Spain)

LITELE. Departament de Filologies Romàniques. Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain)

Càtedra Josep Anton Baixeras de Patrimoni Literari Català. Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain)

GRILC. Grup de Recerca Identitats en la Literatura Catalana. Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain)

Department of Media Studies. Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain)

IUEM. Instituto Universitario de Estudios de la Mujer de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain)

Universidad de Sevilla (Spain)

Universidad de Alicante (Spain)

Cátedra de Cultura Científica de la Universidad del País Vasco (Spain)

Grupo de investigación Escritoras y Escrituras. Universidad de Sevilla (Spain)

GETLIHC. Group Translation, Literature, History and Communication. Universitat de Vic (Spain)

Sorkin (Spain)

Associació per la Coeducació (Spain)

Clásicas y modernas. Asociación para la igualdad de mujeres y hombres en la cultura (Spain)

Mujeres en la Música (Spain)

Colectiva Portal de Igualdad (Spain)

Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies (Spain)

PastWomen (Spain)

Acció Cultural del País Valencià (Spain)

Alpí Teatre (Spain)

Fundación Francisco Brines (Spain)

Associació de Professionals i Estudiosos en Llengua i Literatura Catalanes (Spain)

Veus de dona a Tarragona (Spain)

Havana Glasgow Film Festival (United Kingdom)

Fundación García Esteban (Spain)


Secondary Schools
IES 8 de marzo – Alacant – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Abastos – València – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Altaia – Altea – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Ausiàs March – Gandia – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Berenguer Dalmau – Catarroja – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Blasco Ibañez – Cullera – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Camp de Morvedre – Sagunt – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Càrcer – Càrcer – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Cid Campeador – València – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Clot del Moro – Sagunt – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Districte Marítim – València – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Eduardo Merello – Port de Sagunt – Comunitat Valenciana
IES El Grao – València – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Enric Valor – Campello – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Hoya de Bunyol – Bunyol – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Isabel de Villena – València – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Jaume II el Just – Tavernes de la Valldigna – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Joan Llopis Marí – Cullera – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Joanot Martorell – València – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Jorge Juan – Sagunt – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Jose María Parra – Alzira – Comunitat Valenciana
IES La Creueta – Onil – Comunitat Valenciana
IES La Malladeta – Vila Joiosa – Comunitat Valenciana
IES La Moreria – Mislata – Comunitat Valenciana
IES La Nucia – La Nucia – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Leonardo Da Vinci – Alacant – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Lloixa – Sant Joan d’Alacant – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Macià Abela – Crevillent – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Malilla – València – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Marcos Zaragoza – Vila Joiosa – Comunitat Valenciana
IES María Moliner – Port de Sagunt – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Marina Baixa – Vila Joiosa- Comunitat Valenciana
IES Mediterrània – Benidorm – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Molí del Sol – Mislata – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Nº26 – València – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Pou Clar – Ontinyent – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Rafal – Rafal – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Rascanya – València – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Thiar – Pilar de la Horadada – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Torre del Rei – Oropesa – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Torrellano – Elx – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Vicenta Ferrer Escrivà – València – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Violant de Casalduch – Benicàssim – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Vicente Gandía – Castelló – Comunitat Valenciana
CIPFP Ciutat de l’Aprenent – València – Comunitat Valenciana
El Colegio Nuestra Señora del Carmen y San Vicente de Paúl – València – Comunitat Valenciana
IES Fernando de Rojas – Salamanca – Castilla y León
IES Francisco Salinas – Salamanca – Castilla y León
IES Fray Luis de León – Salamanca- Castilla y León
IES González Allende – Toro- Castilla y León
IES Cardenal Pardo Talavera – Toro – Castilla y León
IES Calisto y Melibea – Santa Marta de Tormes – Castilla y León
IES Federico García Bernalt – Salamanca – Castilla y León
IES Mariano Quintanilla – Segovia – Castilla y León
IES Martínez Uribarri – Salamanca – Castilla y León
IES Peñaranda de Bracamonte – Peñaranda de Bracamonte – Castilla y León
IES Ramón Olleros – Béjar – Castilla y León
IES Senara – Babilafuente – Castilla y León
IES Mateo Hernández – Salamanca – Castilla y León
CIFP Rodríguez Fabrés – Salamanca – Castilla y León
CEPA Francisco Giner de los Ríos – Salamanca – Castilla y León
IES Fuente Alta – Algodonales – Andalucía
IES Diamantino García Acosta – Sevilla – Andalucía
IES Federico García Lorca – La Puebla de Cazalla – Andalucía
IES Maestro Diego Llorente – Los Palacios – Andalucía
IES Seritium – Jerez de la Frontera – Andalucía
IES Tierno Galván – Alcalá de Guadaíra – Andalucía
IES Altaír – Getafe – Comunidad de Madrid
IES Jorge Guillén – Alcorcón – Comunidad de Madrid
CEPA Yucatán – Soto del Real – Comunidad de Madrid
IES Alfonso II – Oviedo – Principado de Asturias
IES Da Terra Chá, José Trapero Pardo – Lugo – Galicia
Higher Education Institutes
Conservatori Professional de Música de València
Conservatori Superior de València Joaquín Rodrigo
Escola Superior d’Art Dramàtic de València